From an early age Lou was surrounded by the distinguished sounds of jazz and blues. Both parents, Bobbie and Al, played professionally: alto / tenor / baritone sax, clarinet and violin in big bands and smaller ensembles.

Of her album 'Into the Blue', Claire Martin OBE writes:
‘Lovely originals alongside much loved classics make this a classy, sensitive and thoughtful collection of songs with world-class playing throughout.’
‘Lovely originals alongside much loved classics make this a classy, sensitive and thoughtful collection of songs with world-class playing throughout.’
And as reviewed in Sussex Jazz Magazine:
‘Lou’s musical influences – from classical, jazz, and folk to world music - have culminated in this glorious collection of jazz-infused original compositions and standards. Her love of collaborative music-making is evident in each piece played by an impressive band, brought together for this project. The songs speak of the elements; of fragility, earth and erosion; and of flight, in an echo of our emotional landscapes. It’s all about space, texture and feeling and letting the performances breathe. An enjoyable album filled with different textures. Lou Beckerman’s voice is full of clear articulation, rich tones and confident phrasing. Beautiful singing, unique arrangements and lots of creative, melodic soloing.’
‘Lou’s musical influences – from classical, jazz, and folk to world music - have culminated in this glorious collection of jazz-infused original compositions and standards. Her love of collaborative music-making is evident in each piece played by an impressive band, brought together for this project. The songs speak of the elements; of fragility, earth and erosion; and of flight, in an echo of our emotional landscapes. It’s all about space, texture and feeling and letting the performances breathe. An enjoyable album filled with different textures. Lou Beckerman’s voice is full of clear articulation, rich tones and confident phrasing. Beautiful singing, unique arrangements and lots of creative, melodic soloing.’
'A Weaving of Jazz Jewels & Poetry' performances
Reviewer Mike Reinstein notes: ‘I've been to several of Lou Beckerman's gigs and know her to be a fine interpreter of jazz. The latest concert I attended was quite a departure for her, revealing not only her talent as a wonderful singer but also as a writer of poignant, thought-provoking, witty and occasionally downright hilarious poetry. She appeared with pianist Joss Peach who, as well as providing dazzling accompaniment to the songs, effortlessly integrated his music with Lou's spoken word - a rich and multi-textured experience.’
For details of ‘A Weaving of Jazz Jewels & Poetry’ gigs see Events Diary.
Reviewer Mike Reinstein notes: ‘I've been to several of Lou Beckerman's gigs and know her to be a fine interpreter of jazz. The latest concert I attended was quite a departure for her, revealing not only her talent as a wonderful singer but also as a writer of poignant, thought-provoking, witty and occasionally downright hilarious poetry. She appeared with pianist Joss Peach who, as well as providing dazzling accompaniment to the songs, effortlessly integrated his music with Lou's spoken word - a rich and multi-textured experience.’
For details of ‘A Weaving of Jazz Jewels & Poetry’ gigs see Events Diary.

Having embraced a range of genres, with her improvisational style and soulful sound, she's come home to her enduring roots in jazz, falling in love all over again with this endlessly beautiful musical form. Her repertoire covers best-loved standards from the Great American Songbook through to contemporary compositions - including her own, and vocalese. Her career in music has included TV and two albums: ‘My Gift to You’ - music for healing and wellbeing, and the jazz influenced ‘Into the Blue’. She has played in venues across the UK and in the USA.
Her work as a professional performer has run alongside her career as a sound and song therapist and natural voice teacher. She has received much recognition for her music projects in therapeutic settings and, in 2006, was awarded a Churchill Fellowship for her work with music as medicine in palliative care. She has also been musical director for several community choirs.